I have a class Student with three attribute :
private String name;
private String age;
private String classStudy;
And implements Collections Comparable
public int compareTo(Student o) {
if(name==null) return -100;
else if(age==null) return -50;
else if(classStudy==null) return -10;
return (name + age + classStudy).compareTo(o.getName() + o.getAge() + o.getClassStudy());
Method main:
public static void main(String []args){
List<Student> lists = new ArrayList<Student>();
lists.add(new Student("Tung", "24", "Java"));
lists.add(new Student("Hong", "26", "Uava"));
lists.add(new Student("yoiy", "42", "jrva"));
lists.add(new Student("Tung", "22", "Aava"));
lists.add(new Student("Tung", null, "Aava"));
lists.add(new Student("Tyn", "22", "Aava"));
lists.add(new Student("Tungh", "22", "Aava"));
lists.add(new Student("aung", "39", "ora"));
lists.add(new Student(null, null, "Aava"));
lists.add(new Student("Rung", "17", "Kva"));
lists.add(new Student(null, null, null));
for(Student listTemp : lists){
System.out.println("Name : " + listTemp.getName() + ", Age : " + listTemp.getAge()
+ ", Class : "+ listTemp.getClassStudy());
And result : https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-IIGbZ4uThRk/Ute08Qt6UJI/AAAAAAAAAsg/ahqgAKgMSHc/w325-h219-no/Capture6.PNG But i want null value is sorted of the first position (sort follow name -> age -> class). How can i do that ?
This method will make null
values sort to the top of the list and order the list by name, age and finally classstudy. It uses a small helper function because the compare function repeats itself quite frequently.
public int compareTo(Student s) {
int c1 = this.compare(this.name, s.name);
if (c1 != 0) {
return c1;
} else {
int c2 = this.compare(this.age, s.age);
if (c2 != 0) {
return c2;
} else {
return this.compare(this.classStudy, s.classStudy);
public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
if (s1 == null && s2 == null) {
return 0;
} else if (s1 == null) {
return -1;
} else if (s2 == null) {
return 1;
} else {
return s1.compareTo(s2);