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What is the correct configuration to use GSON inside a Applet implementing with eclipse (Kepler)

First I want to say I am beginner in Java / Web development (but with great experience in programming and analysis). I search several surveys in several locations, not finding a solution to the problem that I think is configuration.

The story: I implemented an Applet that uses javax.smartcardio for the ATR, this works fine without any problems! This applet must "transmit" the collected information to a web page that uses javascript (inside the script of this page), I opted to pass the information in json format and chose Gson for this... Running the applet inside the IDE this works fine!!! Running inside the browser (local IIS 7.5 server) this not work, showme a error: "Uncaught Error: java.lang.InvocationTargetException".

In first time I saw that the IIS log showed the following line: 2014-01-14 02:42:35 GET /com/google/gson/Gson.class - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(Windows+7+6.1)+Java/1.7.0_45 404 0 2 2

Looking at the contents of the JAR file I could see that the missing gson jar files...

I found that should put the files into WEB-INF \ lib directory of the project, it did not exist and Deployment Assembly also not too ... To fix this, I changed Project Facet (add Dynamic Web Module).

Now there is a folder: WebContent \ WEB-INF \ lib I copied and pasted the three files from the explorer windows Gson ... I added the files in deplyment Assembly and now they are in the exported JAR file but the same error keeps happening.

Note: There NOT is a security problem, the applet is signed, after removing gson functions and my method return the ATR code (string) directly the applet works fine.

Any step by step tutorial to "install" for it???

Thanks in advance!

Screen images:

enter image description here


The applet works fine, all functions work, except the function using GSON... In my local server (IIS 7.5) I create a site, and inside this site I put the files: index.html ; MyApplet.jar ; \scrits\Myscript.js Inside de MyApplet.jar file exists many files .class ; .classpath ; project and two folders (META-INF and WebContent with WEB-INF\lib and GSON jar files, three). The problem is: On execute the function using GSON it raise a error, in IIS log I see 404 for /com/google/gson/Gson.class

Applet Jar Content

>C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Sistemas\BryDiscover>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin\jar.exe" -
>tvf Bry.Discover.jar
>>"1636 Wed Jan 15 15:33:10 BRST 2014 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
>>"1841 Wed Jan 15 15:33:10 BRST 2014 META-INF/PABLOERN.SF"
>>"1207 Wed Jan 15 15:33:10 BRST 2014 META-INF/PABLOERN.DSA"
>>>"415 Tue Jan 14 14:24:56 BRST 2014 .classpath"
>>"1742 Tue Jan 14 00:39:04 BRST 2014 SmartCardInfoList.class"
>>"1418 Tue Jan 14 00:39:04 BRST 2014 SmartCardInfo.class"
>>>"925 Wed Jan 15 15:32:28 BRST 2014 BryDiscover$1.class"
>>>"927 Wed Jan 15 15:32:28 BRST 2014 BryDiscover$2.class"
>>>"921 Wed Jan 15 15:32:28 BRST 2014 BryDiscover$3.class"
>>>"917 Wed Jan 15 15:32:28 BRST 2014 BryDiscover$4.class"
>>>"923 Wed Jan 15 15:32:28 BRST 2014 BryDiscover$5.class"
>>>"917 Wed Jan 15 15:32:28 BRST 2014 BryDiscover$6.class"
>>"1027 Wed Jan 15 15:32:28 BRST 2014 BryDiscover$7.class"
>>"1419 Wed Jan 15 15:32:28 BRST 2014 BryDiscover$8.class"
>>"8905 Wed Jan 15 15:32:28 BRST 2014 BryDiscover.class"
>>"1045 Tue Jan 14 00:35:40 BRST 2014 .project"
>>>>"39 Tue Jan 14 00:35:38 BRST 2014 WebContent/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
"249351 Tue Jan 14 00:37:22 BRST 2014 WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.2.4-javadoc.jar"
"127564 Tue Jan 14 00:37:22 BRST 2014 WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.2.4-sources.jar"
"190418 Tue Jan 14 00:37:22 BRST 2014 WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.2.4.jar"


  • WebContent \ WEB-INF \ lib

    Try fetching your applet back from there, using a direct fetch in the browser address bar, to discover a 'not permitted' error (I think they are response codes in the 500 range).

    If you cannot retrieve it by direct fetch, the Java Plug-In also cannot access it.

    The applet needs to be moved to a place outside the WEB-INF directory structure that is accessible to the browser/plug-in.

    Output of Jar command

    190418 Tue Jan 14 00:37:22 BRST 2014 WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.2.4.jar

    The standard class-loaders are not designed to work with a 'Jar within a Jar'. It will be necessary to do either of:

    • Extract the Jar and add the content to the main Jar.
    • Separately list the gson-2.2.4.jar Jar in the archive attribute of the applet element (and not have it inside another Jar).