I need to implement robospice for doing the networking part in my Translator app. I previously used async task class and it was working fine, but now i want to improve my application with implementing robospice. I'am trying to execute the following code but it doesn't't throw any exception it just never executes....
public TranslatedText loadDataFromNetwork() throws Exception {
String jsonString = getJsonString();
String headerValue = getHeaderValue(jsonString);
String text = pair.getWordPairs().getWordFrom();
String languageFrom = pair.getLanguagePairs().getLanguageFrom().getCode();
String languageTo = pair.getLanguagePairs().getLangougateTo().getCode();
String uri = String
URLEncoder.encode(text, "UTF-8"),
URLEncoder.encode(languageFrom, "UTF-8"),
URLEncoder.encode(languageTo, "UTF-8"));
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Authorization", headerValue);
// Create a new RestTemplate instance
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
// Add the Simple XML message converter
getRestTemplate().getMessageConverters().add(new SimpleXmlHttpMessageConverter());
//set the headerValue in the Entity
org.springframework.http.HttpEntity<?> request = new org.springframework.http.HttpEntity<Object>(headerValue);
// Make the HTTP GET request, marshaling the response from XML to an
// EventList
Log.v("request","Making request!");
//This line never finish execuitng, doesen't throw exception or anything in logCat
ResponseEntity<Object> responseEntity = getRestTemplate().exchange(uri, HttpMethod.GET, request, null);
Log.v("request", responseEntity.getBody().toString());
Log.d("Load Data From Network", request.getBody().toString());
return null;
The last thing it shows in log cat is Request First!! And nothing after that. It never even gets to The Request Listener onRequestFailure. Can any 1 tell me what i do wrong ?
I fixed the problem. So if you need to handle stream you will have to provide the following code
ResponseEntity<byte[]> responseEntity = getRestTemplate().exchange(uri, HttpMethod.GET, request, byte[]);