So I have been trying to learn Lisp lately. Unfortunately, nothing seems to work - I am following this Common Lisp tutorial but when I tried to run (hello-world)
a second time, instead of doing the same thing it gave me an error (Which I lost, because I didn't think to save it) about how CL-USER>
was an undefined variable. I have never typed CL-USER>
into SLIME, but that IS what the prompt is. I restarted EMACS and SLIME (Closed the window, that is) and restarted it. However, upon tryig to use the (load "name")
method, it gave me the following error:
Compiler warnings for "" :
; In an anonymous lambda form at position 43: Undeclared free variable CL-USER>
; In an anonymous lambda form at position 52: Undeclared free variable CL-USER>
; In an anonymous lambda form at position 58: Undeclared free variable ..\sOURCECODELISP\hELLOWORLD.CL
; In an anonymous lambda form at position 161: Undeclared free variable CL-USER>
; In an anonymous lambda form at position 278: Undeclared free variable CL-USER>
; In an anonymous lambda form at position 389: Undeclared free variable CL-USER>
Read error between positions 441 and 450 in f:/Lispbox/; Evaluation aborted on #<SIMPLE-ERROR #x2100B925AD>.
How can I fix it?
EDIT: After closing it, going to my next few classes, then staying after school, the problem persists, but now it just complains that CL-USER>
is not a defined variable.
FYI, I originally attempted to load my file from ..\sourcecode\Lisp\
because that's where I put it at first. I forgot quotes around it, so that may have caused the problem.
When you copied code from an interactive session to the file
, you should have removed the prompts and interaction messages.