I have three questions about VBA and controlling/manipulating new windows.
I have several sheets set up.
Master | Worksheet1 | Worksheet2 | Notes | Work Orders | Contact Info
1) I have WorkSheet_Activate functions set up on Notes, Work Orders, Contact Info that open up all three sheets in seperate windows and arrange them vertically.
Private Sub WorkSheet_Activate()
Windows.Arrange ArrangeStyle:=xlVertical
Sheets("Work Orders").Select
Sheets("Contact Info").Select
End Sub
The problem with it is that if I can activate these sheets again, it will open more windows. I would like the code to detect if the windows are already open and break if it is.
2) Now, when I navigate to a different sheet, such as Master, I would like the extra windows to close and for the Master sheet to be active. I was using the following code on the Master sheet.
Private Sub WorkSheet_Activate()
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized
End Sub
The problem with this code is that if the extra windows aren't open then it will error out. Can I do a logic check of some sort to get this to work? I don't know what values to check...
3) The last problem is that there are new sheets generated dynamically by macros within the workbook. Those new worksheets won't carry the above code that closes multiple windows and focuses on the activesheet. Is there a different object that I should be putting the code to so that it applies to the Master | Worksheet1 | Worksheet2 sheets and any new sheets?
That's a lot of questions. :) For 3, you need to move your events out of where they are and into a custom class module that handles application level events. Start by inserting a new class module into your project (Insert - Class Module). Name that module CAppEvents (F4 to show the property sheet where you can change the name). Then paste this code into the class module
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents mobjWb As Workbook
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mobjWb = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get wb() As Workbook
Set wb = mobjWb
End Property
Public Property Set wb(objwb As Workbook)
Set mobjWb = objwb
End Property
Private Sub mobjWb_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Dim wn As Window
If IsSplitSheet(Sh) Then
If Not IsSplit(Sh) Then
CreateSplitSheets Sh
End If
If IsSplit(Sh) Then
For Each wn In Me.wb.Windows
If wn.Caption Like Me.wb.Name & ":#" Then
End If
Next wn
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function IsSplitSheet(Sh As Object) As Boolean
Dim vaNames As Variant
Dim i As Long
IsSplitSheet = False
vaNames = GetSplitSheetNames
For i = LBound(vaNames) To UBound(vaNames)
If vaNames(i) = Sh.Name Then
IsSplitSheet = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
Private Function IsSplit(Sh As Object) As Boolean
Dim wn As Window
IsSplit = False
For Each wn In Me.wb.Windows
If wn.Caption Like Sh.Parent.Name & ":#" Then
IsSplit = True
Exit For
End If
Next wn
End Function
Private Sub CreateSplitSheets(Sh As Object)
Dim vaNames As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim wn As Window
Dim wnActive As Window
vaNames = GetSplitSheetNames
Set wnActive = ActiveWindow
For i = LBound(vaNames) To UBound(vaNames)
If vaNames(i) <> Sh.Name Then
Set wn = Me.wb.NewWindow
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next i
Sh.Parent.Windows.Arrange xlVertical
End Sub
Private Function GetSplitSheetNames() As Variant
GetSplitSheetNames = Array("Notes", "Work Orders", "Contact Info")
End Function
Then insert a standard module (Insert - Module) and paste this code
Option Explicit
Public gclsAppEvents As CAppEvents
Sub Auto_Open()
Set gclsAppEvents = New CAppEvents
Set gclsAppEvents.wb = ThisWorkbook
End Sub
Here's what's happening: When you open the workbook, Auto_Open will run and it will create a new instance of your CAppEvents object. Since gclsAppEvents is public (aka global) it won't lose scope for as long as the workbook is open. It will sit there listening for events (because we used the WithEvents keyword in the class).
In the class there's a sub called mobjWb_SheetActivate. This is what will fire whenever any sheet in this workbook is activated. First it checks if the sheet you just activated (the Sh variable) is one of the ones you want to split (using IsSplitSheet). If it is, it then checks to see if it already has been split. If not, it splits them.
If Sh (the sheet you just activated) is not one of the 'split sheets', then it checks to see if a split has been done (IsSplit). IF it has, it closes all the split windows.
If you even want to add, change, or delete sheets that cause a split, you go to the GetSplitSheetNames function and change the Array arguments.
Because we're using a custom class and sniffing for events at the workbook level, you can add and delete sheets all you want.