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How to loop through a d3 json treemap to get section nodes

How do i loop through a treemap json object that might look like this: and only return Section nodes as appose to node under each section node? So, one might have a structure that looks kind of like this:

  name: "products"
      name: "Wood", 
      children: [
        { name: "rose wood" },
        { name: "maple" }
      name: "Metals", 
      children: [
        { name: "Iron" },
        { name: "copper" }

What is want is to return only "Wood", "Metals" etc. Due to the redundant nature of the data, a straight forward loop does not cut it. Any ideas? Thanks.


  • Here is my code with the approach that solved my JSON parsing problem.

    .on("mouseover",function (d) {
                  "<h4>" +"</h4>"+
                      "<p><strong>Good:</strong> ""<br />"+
                      //Math.round(percent* 10)/10+"% <br />"+
    }) ...etc

    The ends up being Wood, Metals, etc as I traverse the children array of objects. And, of course, is the product under Wood or Metal. Hope that helps anyone else who may have been stuck on this.