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Parse JSON object in SAS macro

Here is the input JSON file. It have to parse in SAS dataset.

    "acct_nbr": 1234,
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "age": 25,
    "address": {
        "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "postalCode": "10021"
    "acct_nbr": 3456,
    "firstName": "Sam",
    "lastName": "Jones",
    "age": 32,
    "address": {
        "streetAddress": "25 2nd Street",
        "city": "New Jersy",
        "state": "NJ",
        "postalCode": "10081"

And I want the output for only Address field in SAS dataset like this :

1234    streetAddress   21 2nd Street
1234    city    New York
1234    state   NY
1234    postalCode  10021
3456    streetAddress   25 2nd Street
3456    city    New Jersy
3456    state   NJ
3456    postalCode  10081

I have tried separate way, but no similar output. even tried scanover from PDF ... but cannot get desired output...

here is my code......and output....

LIBNAME src  '/home/user/read_JSON';

filename data '/home/user/read_JSON/test2.json';
data src.testdata2;
    infile data lrecl = 32000 truncover scanover;
        input @'"streetAddress": "' streetAddress $255. @'"city": "' city $255. @'"state": "' state $2. @'"postalCode": "' postalCode $255.;
        streetAddress = substr(streetAddress,1,index(streetAddress,'",')-2);
        city = substr( city,1,index( city,'",')-2);
        state = substr(state,1,index(state,'",')-2);
        postalCode = substr(postalCode,1,index(postalCode,'",')-2);

proc print data=src.testdata2;

My OUTPUT in .lst file

The SAS System   09:44 Tuesday, January 14, 2014   1
           street                            postal
 Obs      Address         city      state     Code

  1     21 2nd Stree    New Yor       NY      10021"
  2     25 2nd Stree    New Jers      NJ      10081"


  • To answer your question with a SAS-only solution, your problems are twofold:

    • Use SCAN instead of substr to get the un-comma/quotationed portion
    • acct_nbr is a number, so you need to remove the final quotation mark from the input.

    Here's the correct code (I changed directories, you'll need to change them back):

    filename data 'c:\temp\json.txt';
    data testdata2;
        infile data lrecl = 32000 truncover scanover;
                @'"acct_nbr": ' acct_nbr $255.
                @'"streetAddress": "' streetAddress $255. 
                @'"city": "' city $255. 
                @'"state": "' state $2. 
                @'"postalCode": "' postalCode $255.;
            streetAddress = scan(streetAddress,1,',"');
            city = scan(city,1,',"');
            state = scan(state,1,',"');
            postalCode = scan(postalCode,1,',"');
    proc print data=testdata2;