I have the following code:
message: '<h1><img src="http://uploadingit.com/resources/web/images/popup_working.gif"/><p style = "font-family: Optima, Segoe, "Segoe UI", Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif;">Loading filters... </p></h1>',
css: {
border:'5px solid #3b5999'
overlayCSS: {
backgroundColor: '#E6E6E6'
The font-family style changes to the block UI isn't being implemented. Anyone have an idea why? The following link doesn't make mention of CSS font-family by the way: http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#options.
Assuming the blockUI
jquery widget doesn't strip out the font-family set on the p
attribute, I think your problem might be with the use of double quotes for Seqoe UI
This is the HTML for the message:
<img src="http://uploadingit.com/resources/web/images/popup_working.gif"/>
<p style = "font-family: Optima, Segoe, "Segoe UI", Candara, Calibri, Arial, sans-serif;">Loading filters... </p>
The style attribute starts with a double quote. When the HTML parser gets to the first double quote for "Seqoe UI", it will close the style attribute:
style = "font-family: Optima, Segoe, "
Use single quotes around Segoe UI. Or better yet, define a class.