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playframework connection closed while using both slick and anorm

I have a project use both slick and anorm.

I define a method for slick 

  object DBCache {
    def apply(app: play.api.Application) = Cache.getOrElse[Database](app.hashCode.toString){

  private[persist] def inSession[T](block: Session => T) = DBCache(current).withSession(block(_))

And when I can a batch insert method use anorm

def batchInsert(customerAccounts: Seq[Customer]) = DB.withConnection { implicit conn =>
      val sql = SQL(insertSql)
      val batch = customerAccounts.foldLeft(sql.asBatch) {
        (sql, c) => sql.addbatch(xxx)

It reports

play.api.Application$$anon$1: Execution exception[[MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operations allowed after connection closed.]

How to avoid this error


  • I found the master branch of playframework disable the tracking , datasource.setDisableConnectionTracking( conf.getBoolean("disableConnectionTracking").getOrElse(true))

    So I disable it in Global.scala.

    There'are still some problem. When sql error happends, connection may be closed. Then I turned to use alibaba's data source It works fine!