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objdump from inside emacs

Assuming I have my working folder as ~/X/ and the binaries after compiling are in ~/X/bin/ I usually first get the objdump like so:

objdump -D ~/X/bin/bin1 > bin1.list

then emacs bin1.list&

How is it possible to assign a function in .emacs to open a temporary buffer in Emacs and execute objdump -D in on the binary in it directly?


  • Sure, by default the command M-! (shell-command) outputs shell output to a default output buffer.

    M-! objdump -D /bin/ls

    If you want to change the name of the output buffer, you can invoke shell-command through some elisp:

    (shell-command "objdump -D /bin/ls" "ls.dump")


    C-x C-w (write-file) - to write the shell output buffer to a file


    Example which grabs file at point if available, or prompts the user

    (defun my-objdump-file (&optional file)
      (unless file 
        (setq file (expand-file-name (or (thing-at-point 'filename)
                         (read-file-name "File: ")))))
      (when file
        (shell-command (concat "objdump -D "
               "*Objdump Output*")))