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Custom filters for Nunjucks in Browser

So I added just plain via script tag this script here.

var env = new nunjucks.Environment();

// async filters must be known at compile-time
env.addFilter('asyncFilter', function(val, cb) {
  // do something
  return "test"
}, true);

In my template I then have

{{ item.opendays | asyncFilter }}

The error I get in the Chrome console:

Uncaught Template render error: (node/yummy/www/js/templates/restaurant.overview.html)
  Error: filter not found: asyncFilter 

Probably something really simple, but I just can't get it to work.

And here is the code I use for rendering:

 items = nunjucks.render(Config.rootPath + 'js/templates/restaurant.overview.html', {items: data});


  • You are not using the environment you just created and set up.

    items = env.render(Config.rootPath + 'js/templates/restaurant.overview.html', {
      items: data

    That is, env.render() instead of nunjucks.render().