I am kind of new with JqueryMobile and I got this select menu (its a test site by the way not finished):
image http://pugle.net/testimages/jquerym4.jpg
Here is the link to the site so you can view it: http://pugle.net/test/index.php The thing is as you guys can see the links don't work, if I press them they dont go anywhere, am I suppose to add a JS script like Onclick.... to make the links go to its destination, I though JqueryMobile would take care of that, any ideas what is going on and most importantly how to make it work!
Here is the code by the way (if not look on the link above)
enter <div data-role="fieldcontain">
<select name="select-choice-1" id="select-choice-1">
<option value="standard">Menu</option>
<option><a href="http://pugle.net/index.php" title="Diseñador Páginas Web Freelance">Inicio</a></li>
<optgroup label="Options 1">
<option><a href="desarrollo-web.php" title="Desarrollo Web ">Desarrollo Web</a></option>
<option><a href="posicionamento-web-seo.php" title="SEO Freelance">Servicios SEO</a></option>
<option><a href="publicidad-google.php" title="Adwords Freelance">Publicidad en Google</a></option>
<option><a href="servicios.php">Otros</a></option>
<option><a href="http://pugle.net/portfolio.php" title="Portafolio">Portafolio</a></option>
<option><a href="http://pugle.net/blog" title="Blog" target="_blank">Blog</a></option>
<option><a href="http://pugle.net/contact.php" title="Inicio">Contactanos</a></option>
</div> here
I don't see form / form action, method.. by the way used data-ajax="false"
in links, for example
<a href="http://google.hu" data-ajax="false">test</a>
the data-ajax="false"
attr overrides the jquerymobile default url handler