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Can you restrict a specific Android API version from running/downloading app from googlePlay store?

Alright so I'm having this one problem with an app I'm working on and planning on releasing, but the problem is only occurring on one version of the android SDK (Version 4.1.1 API 16).

Can I restrict JUST android version 4.1.1 API 16 from downloading and running my app?

I know googlePlay has a restrict certain device list, but the problem is occurring because of the OS version, NOT the device, at least it seems that way from debugging...

I also know there's the uses-sdk attributes in the manifest file:

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="integer"
          android:maxSdkVersion="integer" />

But setting the android:minSdkVersion to 17 will be way to high and not be available to many users, I also put a lot of work into making the app backwards compatible and works fine on pre 3.0 devices, it's just this android version 4.1.1 API 16 that is causing me trouble...

Please help! Thank you!

Edit: This is my current uses-sdk in my apps manifest:

    android:targetSdkVersion="17" />

Edit with relevant code:

//button listener for the number buttons. Each button will display a number 1 - 10
//upon clicking the button the number that is displayed on the button will be
//added to what is displayed in the textView
//mCurrentWorkingText is the current expression that is being added updated.
View.OnClickListener genericNumberButtonListener = new View.OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View v) {
    //cast the incoming view to a textView so we can get
    //the text the button displays
        TextView textView = (TextView) v;
        String textFromButton = textView.getText().toString();

        if (mCurrentWorkingText.length() == 0) {
            mCurrentWorkingText = textFromButton;
        } else {
                    // if the working TextView isn't zero we need to
                    // append
                    // the
                    // textFromButton to what is already there.
                    mCurrentWorkingText = mCurrentWorkingText


Edit with log of problem: enter image description here

The string changes almost randomly to a completely random number in the last log statement.


  • You can prevent the app from running.

    And no, you cannot prevent the app from downloading when on an API in between minSDKVersion and maxSDKVersion/targetSDKVersion

    You can check it like this:

    if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD &&         android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) {
     // For gingerbread but lesser than HONEYCOMB, show a dialog or something and close the app