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Installation of maven eclipse plugin doesn't finish

Hello I'm trying to install maven plugin with eclipse and I have a following problem, more in picture below :

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So my question is, is this supposed to take this long or I did something wrong?

I'm using eclipse galileo , I went to the window-> install new software -> typed in website and name maven

Pressed next then finish, did I do something wrong, or is there another way to get maven working with eclipse? I need it for my project . thank you


  • First, update site url you pasted is url for stable version builds. According this document stable version of m2eclipse works with Eclipse 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4.

    To work with Galileo version (Eclipse 3.5) try update from stable development builds site. I work with this version and I'm happy with it. It has a lot more features than stable one.