Search code examples

Query posts by user id

I'm trying to query post by the user id. The user id in this case will be the author of another post.

I did try the following, however it's not getting the 'author argument'.

$author_id = $post->post_author;

$author_query_id = array('author='. $author_id, 'showposts' => '1', 'post_type'=> 'bedrijven', 'post_status' => 'any');
$author_posts_id = new WP_Query($author_query_id);

while($author_posts_id->have_posts()) : $author_posts_id->the_post();

if (get_field('standplaats')) { ?>
<div class="fieldje field-3"><p>
        <span>Standplaats: <?php echo the_field('standplaats'); ?></span>
 <?php  } 

The user id I'm getting is correct (captured in $author_id). However in the query it just queries the last post of the post type 'Bedrijven', no matter who the author is.

Any idea why this is not working?



  • Your array is formatted incorrectly.

    $author_query_id = array('author' => $author_id, 'showposts' => '1', 'post_type'=> 'bedrijven', 'post_status' => 'any');

    I removed the = from your author key.

    I'm sure you've seen the WP_Query documents below, but here is a link to help in the future, just in case.