I'm working on a project and trying to bring two different 'data service' modules together into a web app (currently, the app is a desktop Swing app).
Each module has its own Guice (private) module. Each Guice module contains:
protected JPQLQuery provideJPQLQuery(EntityManager entityManager) {
return new JPAQuery(entityManager);
This is used later in the constructor of the classes that look things up from the db:
public SomeClassThatLooksObjectsUpFromDatabase(Provider<JPQLQuery> queryProvider) {
this.queryProvider = queryProvider;
The 'queryProvider' is then able to execute queries.
Now, this works fine when only one of the Guice modules is installed, but once both are installed, I (predictably) get this error:
Unable to create binding for com.mysema.query.jpa.JPQLQuery. It was already configured on one or more child injectors or private modules
bound at ServiceOneGuiceModule.provideJPQLQuery()
bound at ServiceTwoGuiceModule.provideJPQLQuery()
Now, I understand why this is broken -- I'm saying that there's two Providers for the type JPQLQuery and Guice doesn't know which one to use.
Is there any way I can get Guice to separate these Providers? I would like to do this because each module has its own properly-configured Hibernate entities, and each has its own unique datasource (multiple databases in this project).
Ideally, it would involve something like somehow naming these providers and injecting them by their name (e.g. I could separately inject "ServiceOneJPQLQueryProvider" and "ServiceTwoJPQLQueryProvider"), but I haven't found any way of achieving anything like this.
(I suppose an alternative is to somehow configure Hibernate so it has all the different datasources it needs and then I'd only need one Provider for my queries, possibly, but that seems like a lot more work than what I'm describing above)
Have a look binding annotations, they're used to solve just the problem you've got.
They're recommended over using @Named because they are type-safe and will produce compilation errors and not runtime errors if you misspell them.
In short:
@BindingAnnotation @Target({ FIELD, PARAMETER, METHOD }) @Retention(RUNTIME)
public @interface ServiceOne {}
@BindingAnnotation @Target({ FIELD, PARAMETER, METHOD }) @Retention(RUNTIME)
public @interface ServiceTwo {}
protected JPQLQuery provideJPQLQuery(EntityManager entityManager) {
return new JPAQuery(entityManager);
public SomeClassThatLooksObjectsUpFromDatabase(@ServiceOne Provider<JPQLQuery> queryProvider) {
this.queryProvider = queryProvider;