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Uploading files to Liferay server

I'm using Liferay 6.2 CE and I would like to add a simple functionality in which administrator can upload files to liferay server and add hyperlink to this file on the page.

I've found in Liferay's 6.1 documentation that in that version administrator could just create a data list and add File Upload field there as shown below: enter image description here

Unfortunately in Liferay 6.2 this field doesn't exist (I'm confused here what's the reason): enter image description here

I also saw that during new blog post creation, there is this HTML in-browser editor that has functionality to add images. When pressed, user can select a file from a hard drive which is then uploaded to liferay server and added as <img> tag to the blog editor and links to directory that looks like that: /documents/11469/0/

enter image description here

But it's not intuitive for a user to upload normal files (e.g. .zip file), by using image uploader and manually editing the source code to change <img> tags to normal <a> anchors.

So my question is whether I need to solve described problem programatically using API (I believe that DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil is used for that purpose) or is there any other way to achieve this using liferay functionalities?


  • The "FileUpload" field by Liferay 6.1 is renamed to "Document" field in Liferay 6.2.