I'm using Hunchentoot and would like to change the name of the session cookie. This is implemented with a generic function and the docs say to change the name you can "specialize the function".
I'm not really sure what this means here. I was under the impression that specializing a function is to dispatch a method on certain argument types. In this particular case, the function takes the server acceptor and I don't want to change that. Can someone illuminate me on this?
The API: http://weitz.de/hunchentoot/#session-cookie-name
Here's the implementation in the source:
(defgeneric session-cookie-name (acceptor)
(:documentation "Returns the name \(a string) of the cookie \(or the
GET parameter) which is used to store a session on the client side.
The default is to use the string \"hunchentoot-session\", but you can
specialize this function if you want another name."))
(defmethod session-cookie-name ((acceptor t))
Make a subclass and specialize that way:
(defclass my-acceptor (hunchentoot:acceptor) ())
(defmethod session-cookie-name ((acceptor my-acceptor))
The function still takes an acceptor, it's just your kind of acceptor, now.