I want to dynamically created interface for my hello-world QT + C++ program from .ini file.
1 Step I read settings file with QSettings - it is simple.
2 Step I try to draw interface:
//i == 5;
for(int temp=1;temp <= i;temp++){
QString tName = settings.value("/Level" + QString::number(temp) + "/Name", "").toString();
QString tImage = settings.value("/Level" + QString::number(temp) + "/Image", "").toString();
QString Imgpath = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/images/" + tImage;
QPixmap pix(Imgpath);
tab.addTab(new QLabel(Imgpath, &tab), tName);
All looks great - QLabel contains filepath to image, header of TAB contains right NAME from iniFile. BUT! I want to setPixmap() to QLabel and here is problem. new QLabel()
query doesn't have any name I can use to set any option. Please help me with that for(){}
You can convert this:
QPixmap pix(Imgpath);
tab.addTab(new QLabel(Imgpath, &tab), tName);
QLabel* label = new QLabel(Imgpath, &tab);
tab.addTab(label, tName);