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Exclude plugin's libraryDependencies from released application when "package" in SBT

In my SBT project I use sbt-scoverage plugin. I did what the documentation says and added ScoverageSbtPlugin.instrumentSettings to build.sbt. Everything works great so far.

When I package my app I can see in pom.xml that there is a dependency that should not be there:


This is a library dependency of the sbt-scoverage plugin that I don't want to have as a dependency in my released app.

I believe that this dependency is created by the following code in ScoverageSbtPlugin.scala:

libraryDependencies += "com.sksamuel.scoverage" %% "scalac-scoverage-plugin" %
    ScalacScoveragePluginVersion %

Can anyone tell me how to make this dependency to be added only when I run sbt scoverage:test?


  • I came to following solution. I have replaced this:

    ivyConfigurations ++= Seq(scoverage, scoverageTest)

    with this:

    ivyConfigurations ++= Seq(scoverage hide, scoverageTest hide)

    Here's the changeset:

    I would appreciate anybody's view on that. It works "on my machine".