I want a little help with my script. I want to run some commands inside zenity list. here is my code
check=$(cat file.txt | grep -c "word")
respo=$(zenity --list --checklist --column "Choose" --column "" FALSE "$opt1" FALSE "$opt2" FALSE "$opt3" --separator=":")
[[ $respo = $opt1 ]] && command
[[ $respo = $opt2 ]] && command
[[ $respo = $opt3 ]] && command
if [ $check = "0" ] ; then
command 1
command 2
command 3
command 4
command 5
command 6
My problem is that doesn't work if else statement. That i want is if $check result is 0 then continue without running any command. If result is 1 or bigger then runnig some commands. Any help accepted.
Instead of
check=$(cat file.txt | grep -c "word")
if [ $check = "0" ] ; then
You can just do:
if ! grep -q "word" file.txt; then