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Android intent to view an item using Amazon app on device rather than browser

In my Android app, I have a button with the background image of an product (let's say a shirt or something), and when clicked I would like it to open in the Amazon app ( if is already installed rather than in the browser, and in the browser if the app is not installed.

I have been able to find how to add a deep link to a specific Amazon client app, but not how to link to a specific item that would open with open with the Amazon app.

Currently, my click listener opens in a browser by doing the following:

b3.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View view) {
        Intent intent = new Intent();


  • The Amazon developer's home page is probably the best place for this answer. This may be a good start: Here they explain how to construct the Uri you'll need to use to set the Intent data.

    Of course, you may want to be careful and wrap startActivity in a try/catch in case Amazon isn't installed and it throws an ActivityNotFoundException