I want to be able to show keyboard on mobile browser (e.g. Android) after navigating to the page. I have already seen some workarounds:
Show virtual keyboard on mobile phones in javascript
Can I trigger Android soft keyboard to open via javascript ( without phonegap )?
Showing Android's soft keyboard when a field is .focus()'d using javascript
But all of these examples work only if user tap somewhere. It allows to trigger focus()
from within the click()
. Does someone know if there any way to do the same thing but without user clicking?
I've tried to trigger click programmatically but it also not working. http://jsfiddle.net/alex_myronov/e5JcP/10/
I managed to successfully open the virtual keyboard by just calling focus() method of the input.
It works in my app both on android 2.3 and 4.1.
I think the trick is that you have to wait untill the page is completly rendered before you call focus().
My app is using jquery mobile and I call focus() when the pageshow event is triggered:
$("#myPage").on("pageshow", function( event ) {
} );
Or maybe it's working because I'm in a phonegap app?