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AuthorizeAttribute with ASP.NET Identity

I have a controller which is protected by the [Authorize] attribute.

This works very good (I am sent back to login if I am not logged in), but I wish to add some roles to this attribute, I've read that its possible to do something like [Authorize(Roles = "Customer"] but when I do this I am instantly sent back to the login page on my application?

Is this Roles override not working with the new ASP.NET Identity? On my user creation I am adding the user to the by the following code:

var user = new ApplicationUser {UserName = model.Username};
var result = UserManager.Create(user, model.Password);
if (result.Succeeded)
    UserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Customer");
    SignIn(user, false);

    return RedirectToAction("Done");

And according to the database the user is in this role. Why is this not working? Am I missing a configuration or some sort?


  • I am going to answer my own question.

    The reason this was not working (hours of digging around) it was because my context had the following:

    Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;

    This made lazyloading disabled and therefore roles not included, when the user was loaded!

    So the fix was to enable this or remove the line.

    UPDATE: 2015-05-01

    This was a bug, fixed in the 2.0.0-alpha1 release. Thus, this workaround is no longer necessary going forward, and the Roles will load regardless of this setting.

    Does Identity Owin require LazyLoading?