I have written a grammar for vaguely Java-like DSL. While there are still some issues with it (it doesn't recognize all the inputs as I would want it to), what concerns me most is that the generated C code is not compilable.
I use AntlrWorks 1.5 with Antlr 3.5 (Antlr 4 apparently does not support C target).
The problem is with expression rules. I have rules prio14Expression to prio0Expression which handle operator precedence. To problem is at priority 2, which evaluates prefix and postfix operators:
prio3Expression: prio2Expression (('*' | '/' | '%') prio2Expression)*;
prio2Expression: ('++' | '--' | '!' | '+' | '-')* prio1Expression ('++' | '--')*;
prio0Expression (
('.' prio0Expression) |
('(' (expression (',' expression)*)? ')') |
('[' expression (',' expression)* ']')
/*('(') => */('(' expression ')') |
//collectionLiteral |
coordinateLiteral |
'true' |
'false' |
Expression is a label for prio14Expression. You can see the full grammar here.
The code generation itself is successful (without any errors or serious warnings). It generates following code:
EXCEPTION->expectingSet = &FOLLOW_set_in_prio2Expression962;
goto ruleprio2ExpressionEx;
Which does not build with error "Error 5 error C2065: 'FOLLOW_set_in_prio2Expression962' : undeclared identifier
Did I do something wrong in the grammar? No other rules cause this error and if I somewhat reformulate the rule concerned, the generated code is valid (but then the grammar doesn't do what I want it to). What can I do to fix this issue?
Thanks for any help.
I encountered same problem.
I think it happens if parser rule has a part of simple OR-ed token like this:
problem_case: problematic_rule;
problematic_rule: 'A' | 'B' ;
This doesn't happen if it is lexer rule.
workaround1: As_lexer_rule;
As_lexer_rule: 'A' | 'B' ;
Or, if it is complicated rule (not simple OR-ed token).
workaround2: make_it_complicated_needlessly;
make_it_complicated_needlessly: 'A' | 'B' | {false}? NeverUsedRule;
NeverUsedRule: /* don't care*/ ;
( I used semantic predicate "{false}?" for this modification. I believe it doesn't change the grammar of target language.)