I have problem to check when stick in my gamepad (XBox) is released. With buttons when I press the first I get pollData = 1.0 and after releasing it I get pollData = 0.0.
With analog sticks I don't have such event like pollData = 0.0
Thanks in advance for help!
Given you already have the axis as a
Component component;
(to be sure that it is an axis by testing
then you can get the position by calling
The returned value will be between -1 and 1. -1 being left/bottom, +1 being right/top, depending on whether component.getIdentifier() equals Component.Identifier.Axis.X or Component.Identifier.Axis.Y.
So you could do something like
bool xReleased = false, yReleased = false;
Component[] components = controller.getComponents();
for(Component component : components) {
if(component.isAnalog()) { //test that controller is analog
Identifier id = component.getIdentifier();
float axisPosition = component.getPollData(); //range: -1 to 1
if(id == Component.Identifier.Axis.X && axisPosition == 0)
xReleased = true;
if(id == Component.Identifier.Axis.Y && axisPosition == 0)
yReleased = true;
if(xReleased && yReleased) {
//do something...