I'm reading the page loaded in the WebBrowser control from my WPF application.
There is a table of data in this page that I need to capture it and I'm using MSHTML for it.
I can retrieve the table, I can retrieve the rows from the table, I just can't retrieve the cells from the rows. I always get a NullReferenceException
This is what I have now :
foreach (var a in ((wbSocial.Document as HTMLDocument).getElementById("j_idt29:gridDadosTrabalhador").children as IHTMLElementCollection))
foreach (var b in (a as HTMLTableSection).rows)
if (((b as HTMLTableRow).cells as HTMLTableCell) == null || ((b as HTMLTableRow).cells as HTMLTableCell).nodeName.ToUpper() == "TH")
When I debug the HTMLTableRow
I see that there are 7 elements inside the HTMLTableRow
, but if I cast to a HTMLTableCell
it gives me the NullReferenceException
Ok, I managed to solve it myself. I really thought it was something really far from my capability. After making it work, I really find myself stupid.
This is what I did :
foreach (var a in ((wbSocial.Document as HTMLDocument).getElementById("j_idt29:gridDadosTrabalhador").children as IHTMLElementCollection))
foreach (var b in (a as HTMLTableSection).rows)
if ((b as HTMLTableRow).rowIndex == 0) { continue; }
foreach (var c in (b as HTMLTableRow).cells)