can anyone tell me an efficient way of applying a colour filter to a Drawable in Android that will basically turn blue red and red blue?
I have a functioning example in Java, but this is not compatible in Android:
public class ColourSwapTest extends JFrame {
private JPanel panel;
private boolean altImageOnShow = false;
public static void main(String[] args){
new ColourSwapTest();
public ColourSwapTest(){
Container container = this.getContentPane();
panel = new JPanel(){
public void paint(Graphics g){
if (altImageOnShow){
g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, null);
else {
g.drawImage(src, 0, 0, null);
panel.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter(){
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0){
// alternate between original and filtered image
if (altImageOnShow){
altImageOnShow = false;
else {
altImageOnShow = true;
container.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
private String dir = "c:/Test Images/2.jpg";
private Image src;
private ImageFilter colourFilter;
private Image img;
* init()
private void init(){
try {
src = File(dir));
catch (IOException e) {
colourFilter = new RedBlueSwapFilter();
// apply filter to new image
img = createImage(new FilteredImageSource(src.getSource(), colourFilter));
* RedBlueSwapFilter
class RedBlueSwapFilter extends RGBImageFilter {
public RedBlueSwapFilter() {
canFilterIndexColorModel = true;
public int filterRGB(int x, int y, int rgb) {
return ((rgb & 0xff00ff00)
| ((rgb & 0xff0000) >> 16)
| ((rgb & 0xff) << 16));
This will just load in the image found at C:\Test Images\2.jpg and switch between its original and altered states when you click on it.
If anyone can advise on how to get this into Android, I would be most appreciative. Thanks.
EDIT: I should add, the clicking on the image to toggle it is totally unimportant, that was just what I did to demonstrate it working. The key thing I need is to PROGRAMMATICALLY flip the colours red and blue at runtime, as efficiently as possible.
I've solved it, chaps. The method is as follows:
private Drawable invertImage(Drawable inputDrawable){
Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) inputDrawable).getBitmap();
int width = bitmap.getWidth();
int height = bitmap.getHeight();
int[] pixels = new int[width * height];
bitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);
int[] finalArray = new int[width * height];
for(int i = 0; i < finalArray.length; i++) {
int red =[i]);
int green =[i]);
int blue =[i]);
finalArray[i] = Color.rgb(blue, green, red);
bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(finalArray, width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
return new BitmapDrawable(getResources(),bitmap);