I am trying to make a class of my project serializable so I can exchange objects of it throgh a network for a client/server-application.
Since I also want to include "child"-objects and private members I chose to do so with the help of DataContractSerializer.
However, although I am layzily trying to copy-paste my first draft out of MSDN's respective site, do not get good results. I already referenced the System.Runtime.Serialization.dll as well as all the related namespaces.
Here's my issue: When trying to compile I get
CS0535 'Server.Anfrage' does not implement interface member 'System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject.ExtensionData' (CS0535)
although I got my the specified member implemented. For now I am only trying to get it to work with the 3 strings, but later it's going to be more.
public class Anfrage : IExtensibleDataObject
internal string sender, aktion, param;
internal halbAuftrag execute(){
Bahnhof von = Program.bahnhoefe[Program.getIndex(sender)];
Bahnhof zu = Program.bahnhoefe[Program.getIndex(param)];
return new halbAuftrag(von, aktion, zu);
internal ExtensionDataObject extensionData_Value;
public ExtensionDataObject extensionData {
get {
return extensionData_Value;
set {
extensionData_Value = value;
Can anyone tell me why I am getting the aforementioned error? Thanks a lot.
You have a small typo. The following line
public ExtensionDataObject extensionData {
Should be
public ExtensionDataObject ExtensionData {
(capital E)