I’m trying to write an Erlang parser with Yecc, but I’m having some troubles with the precedence of the semantic rules. In my case I defined the grammar, the terminal and non-terminal symbols, the rules and the associated code.
This is what I wrote for testing.
%Grammar non terminals
Nonterminals product require require1 mandatory mandatory1.
%Grammar terminals
Terminals 'tick' 'feature' '(' ')' 'req' 'mand' ';' 'nil'.
%Initial symbol
Rootsymbol product.
%Operands priority
Left 200 require.
Left 190 require1.
Left 180 mandatory.
Left 170 mandatory1.
Left 80 'req'.
Left 60 'mand'.
Left 50 ';'. %Secuence
Left 40 'feature'. %Optional feature
%Grammar with operational rules
%[req1 & req2]
product -> require: '$1'.
require -> feature req feature '(' feature ';' product ')' : if
'$1' == '$5' -> {'$5', {'$4', '$7', '$8', {mand,1}, '$3'}};
true -> {'$5', {'$1', '$2', '$3', '$4', '$7', '$8'}}
product -> require1 : '$1'.
require1 -> feature req feature '(' tick ')' : {nil,1}.
%[mand2 & mand3]
product -> mandatory : '$1'.
mandatory -> '(' feature ';' product ')' mand feature : if
'$2' == '$7' -> {'$2', {'$4'}};
true -> {'$2',{'$1', '$4', '$5', '$6', '$7'}}
product -> mandatory1: '$1'.
mandatory1 -> '(' tick ')' mand feature : {$5, {tick,1}}.
product -> feature ';' tick : {'$1', {nil,1}}.
product -> nil.
product -> feature ';' product : {'$1', {'$3'}}.
Erlang code.
%To remove brackets and return only the third parameter, right now is not used.
unwrap_feature({_,_,V}) -> V.
%%How to compile and use
%Save this as stack.yrl
%Run erl and then
Now lets execute a specific term to check how rules are applied.
The parser output is:
But I need this. I’m writing the output as long the parser process the term (like a debug output).
Initial term.
Rule %[req1 & req2]. (This is applied correctly – Case '$1' == '$5')
Now, I don’t know what happens, but the output should be as this.
Rule %[mand2 & mand3]. (Case true)
Rule %[mand2 & mand3]. (Case '$2' == '$7')
Rule %[tick] – And final result.
I already tried this:
As is explained in Yecc manual, I was able to do this:
But it doesn’t seem to work for me. Any help???
Just a few notes:
Left 200 require.
Left 190 require1.
Left 180 mandatory.
Left 170 mandatory1.
is not effective. Those are not operators as they are not present in righthand side of ->
Again about require
, require1
, mandatory
and mandatory1
: those are not conflicting rules. Just write product -> feature req feature '(' feature ';' product ')': …. product -> feature req feature '(' tick ')': …. …
Why do you sometimes add {·,1}
? That should be the lexer's job.