I'm a form noob and want to know how to create a collection of text-input boxes, along with a button that will allow users to add another input to this collection.
Can this be done purely with ruby and rails? If so, how do I access the individual inputs from the group when doing stuff in the controller? How do I identify each? How can I tell the size of the collection/how many inputs there are?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
A trivial, unstyled example of the front-end portion:
<input type="button" id="addBtn" value="Add"/>
<div id='inputs'>
Javascript with jQuery:
var nextId = 0;
$("#inputs").append("<input type='text' id='text_"+nextId+"'/>");
The inputs have unique, sequential ids. At any given time, the count is available either from nextId
or $(".dynInput").length