I have looked at this question and got it working to create a repo and add permissions for a user using the WMI interface. The issue I am running into now is this: if I am trying to update a repo I created and add another user to the repo, it clears out the current use (deletes it entirely from the repo) and just adds the one person.
So, I need to figure out how to do two things:
I think once I have that I will be able to figure out the rest of my interactions. I referred to the wof file and found these entries that I believe I need to implement:
class VisualSVN_Repository
[provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic]
class VisualSVN_Repository
[Description ("Repository name"), key]
string Name;
[implemented] void GetSecurity([in] string Path,
[out] VisualSVN_PermissionEntry Permissions[]);
[implemented] void SetSecurity([in] string Path,
[in] VisualSVN_PermissionEntry Permissions[],
[in] boolean ResetChildren = false);
I am implementing set security like so:
static public void UpdatePermissions(string sid, string repository, AccessLevel level, bool isAdmin = false)
ManagementClass repoClass = new ManagementClass("root\\VisualSVN", "VisualSVN_Repository", null);
ManagementObject repoObject = repoClass.CreateInstance();
repoObject.SetPropertyValue("Name", repository);
ManagementBaseObject inParams =
inParams["Path"] = "/";
inParams["Permissions"] = new object[] { permObject };
ManagementBaseObject outParams =
repoObject.InvokeMethod("SetSecurity", inParams, null);
This works, but like I said, only for one user. It seems like it cleans out anything in there and just adds the one user object.
The other method I think I need to interact with is "GetSecurity" which looks like it returns an array of VisualSVN_PermissionEntry
class VisualSVN_PermissionEntry
VisualSVN_Account Account;
uint32 AccessLevel;
So this one has an AccessLevel property and VisualSVN_Account object
VisualSVN_Account (I am using Windows auth, so I would need to use that one)
[provider("VisualSVNWMIProvider"), dynamic, abstract]
class VisualSVN_Account
class VisualSVN_WindowsAccount : VisualSVN_Account
[key] string SID;
So here is where I am lost. I assume I need to call "GetSecurity" and then iterate through those results and add them to an object array of the input parameters for "SetSecurity". I can't seem to get that to work. Some psuedo-code I have played with but am getting various errors (object reference errors mostly):
ManagementBaseObject inSecParams=
inSecParams["Path"] = "/";
ManagementBaseObject existingPerms =
//now I need to loop through the array existingPerms and add them to an array of VisualSVN_PermissionEntry object.
//can I take this result and just add the users I need to add to it somehow.
I got this awhile ago from someone at visualSVN, figured I should paste the working solution in!
Here is the whole class file that handles creation, and repository rights assignments:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Management;
public static class SVNManager
public enum AccessLevel : uint
NoAccess = 0, ReadOnly, ReadWrite
private static ManagementObject GetRepositoryObject(string name)
return new ManagementObject("root\\VisualSVN", string.Format("VisualSVN_Repository.Name='{0}'", name), null);
private static ManagementObject GetPermissionObject(string sid, AccessLevel accessLevel)
var accountClass = new ManagementClass("root\\VisualSVN",
"VisualSVN_WindowsAccount", null);
var entryClass = new ManagementClass("root\\VisualSVN",
"VisualSVN_PermissionEntry", null);
var account = accountClass.CreateInstance();
account["SID"] = sid;
var entry = entryClass.CreateInstance();
entry["AccessLevel"] = accessLevel;
entry["Account"] = account;
return entry;
private static IDictionary<string, AccessLevel> GetPermissions(string repositoryName, string path)
var repository = GetRepositoryObject(repositoryName);
var inParameters = repository.GetMethodParameters("GetSecurity");
inParameters["Path"] = path;
var outParameters = repository.InvokeMethod("GetSecurity", inParameters, null);
var permissions = new Dictionary<string, AccessLevel>();
foreach (var p in (ManagementBaseObject[])outParameters["Permissions"])
// NOTE: This will fail if VisualSVN Server is configured to use Subversion
// authentication. In that case you'd probably want to check if the account
// is a VisualSVN_WindowsAccount or a VisualSVN_SubversionAccount instance
// and tweak the property name accordingly.
var account = (ManagementBaseObject)p["Account"];
var sid = (string)account["SID"];
var accessLevel = (AccessLevel)p["AccessLevel"];
permissions[sid] = accessLevel;
return permissions;
private static void SetPermissions(string repositoryName, string path, IDictionary<string, AccessLevel> permissions)
var repository = GetRepositoryObject(repositoryName);
var inParameters = repository.GetMethodParameters("SetSecurity");
inParameters["Path"] = path;
var permissionObjects = permissions.Select(p => GetPermissionObject(p.Key, p.Value));
inParameters["Permissions"] = permissionObjects.ToArray();
repository.InvokeMethod("SetSecurity", inParameters, null);
/// <summary>
/// Will execute the commands needed to create a repository on the SVN server
/// </summary>
/// <param name="r">Object with the repository name.</param>
/// <returns>True if creation was successful, False if there was a failure.</returns>
static public bool CreateRepository(repository r)
ManagementClass repoClass = new ManagementClass("root\\VisualSVN", "VisualSVN_Repository", null);
// Obtain in-parameters for the method
ManagementBaseObject inParams = repoClass.GetMethodParameters("Create");
// Add the input parameters.
inParams["Name"] = r.name;
// Execute the method and obtain the return values.
ManagementBaseObject outParams =
repoClass.InvokeMethod("Create", inParams, null);
return true;
I think that was all the relevant code. If you see anything missing let me know and I can double check the project (it's been a month, I forgot most of this)