Ive been asked to make some changes to the menu of website. Trouble is, I'm having a problem with the way the superfish menu works, specifically the drop down turns off before I get to the sub menus.I guessing its a css issue and that whatever triggers the dropdowns is being compromised by something I have changed.
I would be grateful if someone with a bit of experience can point me in the right direction.
Without seeing your code it's hard to tell, but my guess is that there is a small gap between your top level menu and the drop-down menu causing the cursor to effectively de-select the menu before you get to it. Reduce this margin/gap and that should solve the problem.
If not, please post your code or a jsfiddle and I will update
Found the problem. In your style.css, you have the line div.sixteen.columns.mt0 {margin-top: -20px;}
. This negative margin is overlapping the top navigation causing the odd behaviour. Remove this negative margin (set it to "0
") and the navigation will work again.