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Single DBDataRecord From DataReader

I am using the following generic data helper function to run queries and return them as a collection of DbDataRecords.

public static IEnumerable<DbDataRecord> GetDataRecords(string Query, Dictionary<string, object> Parameters, CommandType CommandType = CommandType.Text)
        using (MySqlConnection Connection = CreateConnection())
            using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(Query, Connection))
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType;

                foreach (var Parameter in Parameters)
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(Parameter.Key, Parameter.Value);

                using (MySqlDataReader Reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    foreach (DbDataRecord record in Reader)
                        yield return record;

This works great for multiple results, but I'd also like to create a function that returns a single record from the reader as a single DbDataRecord. What I cant figure out is how to convert a single row from a reader into a DbDataRecord. Here is what I have so far:

 public static DbDataRecord GetDataRecord(string Query, Dictionary<string, object> Parameters, CommandType CommandType = CommandType.Text)
        DbDataRecord Record = null;

        using (MySqlConnection Connection = CreateConnection())
            using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(Query, Connection))
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType;

                foreach (var Parameter in Parameters)
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(Parameter.Key, Parameter.Value);

                using (MySqlDataReader Reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                   if(Reader.Read() != false)                        
                       Record = ???;

        return Record;

I have seen lots of examples that show how to return one column (ExecuteScalar), that is not what I am looking for. I also know how to get individual column values. Again, that is not what I am looking to do.

Basically I want to be replace the following foreach loop

foreach (DbDataRecord record in Reader)
    yield return record;

with something that converts a single reader row into a DBDataRecord


  • You could return IDataRecord instead, that could be sufficient, then you can return the MySqlDataReader directly. Or you have to cast it accordingly:

    So this is not possible directly:

    Record = (DbDataRecord)Reader;

    but in this way:

    Record = (DbDataRecord)(IDataRecord)Reader;