Hi I would like to know, if there is a way to get something like promise (i guess it will be postLink in this case) on $scope. i an unanswered question here: AngularJS: how to know when the $compile has finished? which is very similar to my question,
but i wonder if someone can help me understand how can i hook the postLink event:
i have the following code:
var compiledEl =
$compile("<link data-ng-repeat='stylesheet in injectedStylesheets' data-ng-href='{{stylesheet.href}}' rel='stylesheet' />");
so i don't know where to add promise.resolved(true);
cause i don't see the postLink. how can i know when the $compile comes to an end.
You can make yourself a directive:
return {
priority: 1001, // make sure it's the last to run
link: function (scope, element, attrs){
Inside your template:
<link data-ng-repeat='stylesheet in injectedStylesheets' data-ng-href='{{stylesheet.href}}' rel='stylesheet' compile-callback="promiseResolve()" />