Firstly, sorry for my not very good english!
I need make next thing: ExtJS 3.4 Editable Grid (example), which will work with json format. Input source is in json format. I did it, all work fine, like in example.
I did:
Now I need make this: I need to update data in database on cell updating in grid.
How can I do this? Didn't find anything in web.
Maybe there are some method like 'OnCellEditting' like in delphi7?
My js code:
Ext.onReady(function () {
function formatDate(value) {
return value ? value.dateFormat('M d, Y') : '';
// shorthand alias
var fm = Ext.form;
// the column model has information about grid columns
// dataIndex maps the column to the specific data field in
// the data store (created below)
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
// specify any defaults for each column
defaults: {
sortable: false // columns are not sortable by default
columns: [{
header: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'id',
width: 30
}, {
id: 'firstname',
header: 'Firstname',
dataIndex: 'firstname',
width: 220,
// use shorthand alias defined above
editor: new fm.TextField({
allowBlank: false
}, {
header: 'Lastname',
dataIndex: 'lastname',
width: 220,
// use shorthand alias defined above
editor: new fm.TextField({
allowBlank: false
// create the Data Store
var store = new{
totalProperty: 'total', // total data, see json output
root: 'results', // see json output
url: '/grid/json',
fields: [
'firstname', 'lastname']
// create the editor grid
var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
store: store,
cm: cm,
renderTo: 'grid-editable',
width: 440,
height: 300,
autoExpandColumn: 'firstname', // column with this id will be expanded
title: 'Edit Plants?',
frame: true,
clicksToEdit: 1
// manually trigger the data store load
// store loading is asynchronous, use a load listener or callback to handle results
The easiest way for you is to send an ajax request on each change
id: 'firstname',
header: 'Firstname',
dataIndex: 'firstname',
width: 220,
// use shorthand alias defined above
editor: new fm.TextField({
allowBlank: false,
listeners : {
change : function(field, e) {
url: '/grid/save', // your backend url
method: 'POST',
params: {
'id': grid.getSelectionModel().selection.record.get('id'),
'firstname': field.getValue()
but I think you should take a look at the extjs examples and read more about the Store communication with the server (for example with REST).