Suppose I'd like to do something like this
<ui:repeat value="#{myMB.fields}" var="field">
<p:outputLabel for="#{field}" value="#{field}:" style="width:100px;"/>
<p:outputLabel id="#{field}" value="#{my.someobject.#{field}}"/>
"fields" are the attributes of some bean (can be retrieved using reflection or not)
is it possible to be done using c:forEach or ui:repeat?
You should be able to do with ui:repeat no problem:
<ui:repeat value="#{myMB.fields}" var="field">
<p:outputLabel for="#{field.some_id}" value="#{field.some_value}:" style="width:100px;"/>
<p:outputLabel id="#{field.some_id}" value="#{my.someobject.#{field.value}}"/>
public class myMB {
List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>();
// Constructor
public MyMB() {
// Set some values in fields
// Getters and Setters
public class Field {
int some_id = 10;
String some_value = "Something"
// Getters and setters
Is that what you're asking?