I have a c# program that lets me use my microphone and when I speak, it does commands and will talk back. For example, when I say "What's the weather tomorrow?" It will reply with tomorrows weather.
The only problem is, I have to type out every phrase I want to say and have it pre-recorded. So if I want to ask for the weather, I HAVE to say it like i coded it, no variations. I am wondering if there is code to change this?
I want to be able to say "Whats the weather for tomorrow", "whats tomorrows weather" or "can you tell me tomorrows weather" and it tell me the next days weather, but i don't want to have to type in each phrase into code. I seen something out there about e.Result.Alternates, is that what I need to use?
This cannot be done without involving linguistic resources. Let me explain what I mean by this.
As you may have noticed, your C# program only recognizes pre-recorded phrases and only if you say the exact same words. (As an aside node, this is quite an achievement in itself, because you can hardly say a sentence twice without altering it a bit. Small changes, that is, e.g. in sound frequency or lengths, might not be relevant to your colleagues, but they matter to your program).
Therefore, you need to incorporate a kind of linguistic resource in your program. In other words, make it "understand" facts about human language. Two suggestions with increasing complexity below. All apporaches assume that your tool is capable of tokenizing an audio input stream in a sensible way, i.e. extract words from it.
Pattern matching
To avoid hard-coding the sentences like
Tell me about the weather.
What's the weather tomorrow?
Weather report!
you can instead define a pattern that matches any of those sentences:
if a sentence contains "weather", then output a weather report
This can be further refined in manifold ways, e.g. :
if a sentence contains "weather" and "tomorrow", output tomorrow's forecast.
if a sentence contains "weather" and "Bristol", output a forecast for Bristol
This kind of knowledge must be put into your program explicitly, for instance in the form of a dictionary or lookup table.
Measuring Similarity
If you plan to spend more time on this, you could implement a means for finding the similarity between input sentences. There are many approaches to this as well, but a prominent one is a bag of words, represented as a vector.
In this model, each sentence is represented as a vector, each word in it present as a dimension of the vector. For example, the sentence "I hate green apples" could be represented as
I = 1
hate = 1
green = 1
apples = 1
red = 0
you = 0
Note that the words that do not occur in this particular sentence, but in other phrases the program is likely to encounter, also represent dimensions (for example the red = 0
The big advantage of this approach is that the similarity of vectors can be easily computed, no matter how multi-dimensional they are. There are several techniques that estimate similarity, one of them is cosine similarity (see for example http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosine_similarity).
On a more general note, there are many other considerations to be made of course.
For example, some words might be utterly irrelevant to the message you want to convey, as in the following sentence:
I want you to output a weather report.
Here, at least "I", "you" "to" and "a" could be done away with without damaging the basic semantics of the sentence. Such words are called stop words and are discarded early in many tools that perform speech-to-text analysis.
Also note that we started out assuming that your program reliably identifies sound input. In reality, no tool is capable of infallibly identifying speech.
Humans tend to forget that sound actually exists without cues as to where word or sentence boundaries are. This makes so-called disambiguation of input a gargantuan task that is easily underestimated - and ambiguity one of the hardest problems of computational linguistics in general.