I'm attempting to load an icon based on a selected file:
Icon iconForFile = System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(filename);
When I run this code locally through VS, everything works fine. However, after I deploy/install the application that contains this code, I get an error message:
"[My Program] - Unable to locate Component: This application has failed to start because libapr_tsvn.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
Strangely enough, once I click OK, my program continues to run as expected, and the Icon
object is set/displays correctly. Searching around shows that this may be a dll from Tortoise SVN, which I use for version control. Any thoughts?
Turns out it was a problem with Tortoise SVN. I updated to the latest version a few days ago, didn't restart, and continued working.
My application allows the user to drag-and-drop files into a listview. It appears that a hook for SVN runs when a drap-and-drop action occurs; since Tortoise wasn't properly installed, this hook failed and gave me the error message. Proving once again, always restart...