I've just started learning Processing and I'm curious if there is a library for modeling complex numbers of the form a + bi
. Particularly one that can handle multiplication of complex numbers numbers like:
(a + bi)(a + bi)
You can write your own class in java or be inspired by this class. Also you can import classic java libraries like common-math.
If you need only multiplication just add this class to your sketch:
class Complex {
double real; // the real part
double img; // the imaginary part
public Complex(double real, double img) {
this.real = real;
this.img = img;
public Complex multi(Complex b) {
double real = this.real * b.real - this.img * b.img;
double img = this.real * b.img + this.img * b.real;
return new Complex(real, img);
And then simple use for you example:
Complex first = new Complex(a, b);
complex result = first.multi(first);