I'm developing a web application in php that uses CURL calls to Facebook Open Graph with an authorization token. I'm implementing calls to follow action and it runs fine with the test users profiles, but it provokes an error message when it uses Open Graph Test User as a profile. The message is the following:
{"error":{"message":"(#100) Could not resolve object at URL 100004155724366.","type":"OAuthException","code":100}}
This happened using both the Open Graph Test User as the follower and as the followed.
I find information about this bug here, but it doesn't solve the problem.
I receive reject messages from Facebook when I send it to Review because the Open Graph Test User fails, despite I let them know about this issue.
Is there a way to execute this follow action via CURL, using Open Graph Test User without errors?
I very much appreciate your help. This thing is getting me nuts.
I faced the same issue as you did and filed a bug with Facebook: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/1509327415958565
Facebook was able to reproduce this issue and are mentioning it appears to be a bug and assigned this task to the appropriate team.
It turns out this behavior is by design when a test user is following a real user. FB recommends for testing to use 2 test users and let one test user follow the other test user.