Generally I do the following:
if (msg.hasElement(BID_SIZE))
If I don't use check first using hasElement - then fields that don't exist will throw an error
Instead of using getElementAsInt32
use getValueAs
Element field;
int err=msg.asElement().getElement(&field, BID_SIZE);
if (!err)
int valerr=field.getValueAs(&bid_sz); // will call getValueAs for the type of bid
This will avoid looking for BID_SIZE twice in the message, and will not throw when fields are not found.
Alternatively you can loop through all fields and check which field it is:
Element asElem=msg.asElement();
size_t num=asElem.numElements();
for (size_t i=0; i < num; ++i)
Element field=asElem.getElement(i);
if (field_name == BID_SIZE)
// check other fields
// put more likely fields at the top