What on earth is a caret in the context of a CSplitterWnd class? I can't find any documentation relating explicitly to CSplitterWnds...
EDIT: Specifically, what do these functions actually do:
CWnd * pCurView = m_wndSplitter2.GetPane(2, 0);
EDIT2: Please note, I know what a caret is, I am specifically asking about the functions within the context of the CSlitterWnd Class. I have seen the MSDN documentation and it offers no real explaination.
Any CWnd can have a caret, but only CWnd inheritors that CreateCaret first actually display one. @DannySmurf gives you one example - CEditView - of a CView that creates a caret that you can show and hide.
Depending on the specific kind of CView you've got on your pane, ShowCaret is probably irrelevant. It has nothing to do with CSplitterWnd.