The value of the bean does not change when I have finisehd clicking on the button. I havent't any errors, but it does not work: the "locked" is still evaluated to false
Here is the code:
<p:commandButton id="downloadLink" ajax="false" oncomplete="#{dmFile.setLocked(true)}">
<p:fileDownload value="#{downloadBean.downloadXMLFile(dmFile)}" />
<p:column headerText="lock" style="width:2%">
<h:outputText value="#{dmFile.locked}" />
And my bean is
public class DMFile{
private boolean locked;
public boolean isLocked() {
return locked;
public void setLocked(boolean locked) {
this.locked = locked;
From the reference guide, the attribute oncomplete
You can't reference to a bean action! It's used, for example, to call a JavaScript
method and executed by the client.
Full reference can be found HERE.