I am building an application using Angular js and Taffy DB.
$scope.viewTable=function () {
var teamdata=$scope.resultSet;
if (i<length) {
I have an array result from Taffy DB like this. teamdata contains
[Object { text="zxcxzc", $$hashKey="00A", ___id="T000002R000002", more...}, Object { text="czxcz", $$hashKey="00C", ___id="T000002R000003", more...}, "zxczxc", Object { undefined={...}, ___id="T000002R000005", ___s=true}, 5454575, Object { undefined={...}, ___id="T000002R000007", ___s=true}, 2, 2727287.5]
and I have to display each element in a table.
How to access each element in the above array?
Please Advice
The signature of the angular.forEach for arrays is as follows:
angular.forEach(array, function(element) { ... })
So you should be able to access each row like that:
angular.forEach(teamdata, function(row) {
// ... row.text