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How to get validationEngine.jquery.css with Nuget Package Manager?

I'm working with jTable : I need validationEngine.jquery.css I have the latest jquery, jquery-ui, and then install jQuery.Validation with:

Install-Package jQuery.Validation

But I don't see the folder `/validationEngine neither validationEngine.jquery.css

What I need to do?

Thanks in advance.


  • ValidationEngine used by jTable in your sample is different from jQuery.Validation.

    The 1st one is made buy Cedric Dugas and available on GitHub and you can download all the elements you need (js file, css file, language files) here:

    The 2nd one, "jQuery Validation", is a jQuery plugin made by Jörn Zaefferer (more info here:, and is available directly as a package through NuGet when you are using Visual Studio.