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How to analysis and search within a minidump file

I've created a minidump file of a process. I'm trying t0 search within the process for specific values. For ease of use I've written the minidump to a file. Here's the ode that i'm trying to use to read the file:

Dim buffersss(13129250) As Char

Using sr As New StreamReader("C:\DUMPTHIS.MDMP")
    For i = 0 To 0
        Dim line As String
        sr.ReadBlock(buffersss, 13129220, 24).ToString()
        For j = 13129220 To 13129220 + 24
            line = line & buffersss(j)

        RichTextBox1.AppendText(line & Chr(13) & Chr(13))

End Using

The 13129220 is the location of a specific value I'm looking for (I've found this by using a some software). Ideally I want to be able to find the address of the value using the value (the opposite of what i'm currently trying). But at the moment this is the text I get in the richtextbox:


Which makes no sense to me at all. I've tried getting other parts of the dump file and it just have the above repeated over and over. Any ideas where I might be going wrong?


  • This look like an encoding issue. The constructor of StreamReader have an overload which initializes a new instance with a specified character encoding.

    Using sr As New StreamReader("C:\DUMPTHIS.MDMP", System.Text.Encoding.Unicode)
    End Using