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How can I select an object based on cursor position?

I want to attach a class to an object based on cursor position.

I understand the basics of range, and can get/manipulate selected text, but I'm at a loss as to how I can use the cursor to attach a class to the object it's currently in.

I've through about maybe adding a temporary element at the cursor then traversing to the parent element and attaching the class before removing the temporary element. That really seems messy though, and I would have to assign something to initialize it (keyboard shortcut or on keydown).

Any ideas? I've search around but haven't found anything like what I'm wanting.


  • Thanks to John's lead and results from a more appropriate search term, I found this:

    Javascript: Detect Carets Parent Node

    To answer the question, here's how it's done.

    function getCursorParentNode()
      var target = null;
        target = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer;
        return((target.nodeType===1) ? target : target.parentNode);
      else if(document.selection)
        var target = document.selection.createRange().parentElement();
      return target;

    Then, initialize it however you prefer, for example:

      var target = getCursorParentNode();
      target.className = 'red';

    Here's a fiddle to demonstrate.