In an example database, associations are as follows: an Owner has_many homes and Home belongs_to Owner. I know I can call to get a list of all their homes but in my View I only seem to be able to call the home.owner_id to get anything from the owner object.
Is there a way to get around this?
Home model:
belongs_to :owner,
inverse_of: :homes
params look like
def home_params
params.require(:home).permit(:street_address, :city, :state, :postal_code, :description, :owner_id)
The ability to do home.owner
is a natural outcome of what you've described, just as is
. This is all covered in
If you can do home.owner_id
, but not home.owner
, that means that your database is set up properly, but you're missing the belongs_to :owner
call in your Home