I am trying out coderush after spending a lot of time with resharper. In resharper it is possible to underline all errors as you type. Is this function available in coderush? if so how do i turn it on?
The feature you are looking for is called CodeIssues.
It is available only with the Full version of CodeRush. I mention this in case you are using the Xpress version.
It was introduced initially in version 9.1.x. So be sure you have at least this version.
I would always recommend getting the latest version. at the time of this answer this would be 9.3.2.
There are 2 ways to toggle CodeIssues on/off
Follow these steps to get to the Code Issues options page:
In the tree view on the left, navigate to this folder:
Editor\Code Analysis
Select the "Code Issues" options page.